Protecting Your Rights in Traffic Cases
A traffic ticket may seem like a minor criminal matter, but traffic offenses can have serious consequences for your insurance rates and even your ability to drive legally. The Law Office of John Larkin, PC will fight for your rights. As DUI lawyers, we also have litigated and negotiated cases involving refusal to take a breathalyzer.
Keep Points Down on Your Driver's License
Traffic offenses can add points to your driver's license. As the points add up, your insurance rate might increase. You might even risk losing your license. Further, if you drive without insurance in Michigan, you risk being charged with No Proof of Insurance.
Call the Law Office of John Larkin, PC if you are faced with a license suspension or revocation. Our traffic offense and DUI lawyer will identify the issues related to point accumulation or multiple offenses that might result in a loss of your driving privileges. If you want to keep your license clean with no points and avoid higher insurance rates, we can help with that too.
The Consequences of Serious Traffic Charges
Certain traffic offenses can result in an automatic suspension or revocation of your license. Such charges include reckless driving and refusal to take a breathalyzer, which is an implied consent violation. Our skilled attorney will help you fight these charges.
Your ability to drive might be imperiled, which will affect your financial future if you are not able to drive to work. Our firm will attempt to negotiate with the prosecution regarding your charges. If we do not come to an agreement that satisfies you, then we will take the matter to trial.
For a FREE
initial phone consultation, call the Law Office of John Larkin, PC today. For traffic and DUI cases, we offer evening and weekend appointments by request.
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